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Quilt Intake Form

I am very happy to offer the option of accepting quilts via mail.  Please fill out this form to start the process of getting your quilt that much closer to finished!

My current turnaround time is 2 weeks upon receiving your quilt.

Please read over the information on the Prepare Your Quilt page before filling out this form to make sure your quilt is prepared for the best possible results.

Binding Services Available

I have a few different options for helping you complete your binding:

1. You create the binding, I attach to the front of the quilt, then you finish ($.20/linear inch).

2. You send me the fabric and I will make and attach the binding to the front of the quilt, then you finish($.20/linear inch + $15 to cut and piece binding strips).

3. You have me do it all create, attach, and machine finish and you get a finished quilt back! ($.50/linear inch)

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